(Steel and Steel Alloy Importers and Manufacturer’s Representatives)

Dachiafor industries Nigeria Limited commencedbusiness more than 50 years ago as a one manbusiness by buying and selling of steel plates,rods, pipes and scraps locally in Aba,Port-Harcourt and Lagos metropolis. Today, thecompany has grown into a highly diversifiedportfolio with major interest in importation andsale of various steel and steel alloy products.It also has interest in hi-tech mechanical andcivil engineering,fabrication, consultancy services,plastics, pharmaceuticals and merchandising. See more

The company was incorporated as a limited liability company on the 1st day of July, 1986 with its primary focus on the importation, warehousing and supply of various grades and makes of steel products. Today, its activities extend beyond the shores of Nigeria from where it earns no less than 30% of its revenue.

The focus and objectives of Dachiafor Industries Nigeria Limited, in the medium /long term is to continue to expand its activities in a wider range of environmental, engineering and hi-tech services; and become a leader in the Nigeria’s steel industry by 2020.

From a one man business, the company today is staffed with certified and qualified professionals and support personnel with many years of cognate experience in the steel industry. These personnel include engineers, accountants, administrators and technicians with state-of-the art knowledge in building construction, pre-structuring and maintenance. Our highly trained personnel can determine the best steel works combination for any supplies they make for industrial projects







Chief Daniel.I. Okoroafor (KSM) - Chairman.

Chief D.I. Okoroafor (KSM) is the man whose dreams materialized into what is known today as Dachiafor Industries Nig Ltd. He has over 50 years of working experience in the steel industry as a businessman and an industrialist. During this period he has left an indelible track record of a good management expertise. Apart from establishing Dachiafor Industries Nigeria Limited, Chief D.I. Okoroafor also established Golden Quality Plastics and Danwinstine Ventures. He is also on the board of numerous companies including Prime Intergrated Engineering, Roses Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Osina Micro Finance bank .  Chief D.I. Okoroafor hails from Osina in Ideato North Local Government Area of Imo State. He attended St. Marys School Osina and is married to Lolo Alice Okoroafor (LSM). They are blessed with seven children.

Engr. Athan Chika Okoroafor- Managing Director/CEO

Chika Okoroafor holds a Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering from the University Of Nigeria Nsukka and a Post Graduate Diploma in management from the University Of Calabar. He has attended several seminars and training workshops on building materials, soil mechanics, strength of material and structures etc.

Since effectively joining the company about 20 years ago, he has successfully re-engineered the foundation of the company to give it a sharper and more pragmatic competitive edge. His vision for Dachiafor Industries Nigeria Limited has led to numerous positive changes in the company which includes the expansion of its market profile and shares, consistent and annual increase in turnover of over 35%, creating and sustaining a critical path scheme for enhanced distribution and supply. Due to his wealth of experience in the engineering sector, Engr. Chika Okoroafor also acts as a consultant in steel consumption to our numerous customers and other steel users. He is presently in-charge of Portharcourt and other South –South market of the company.

Osita Fidelis Okoroafor - Executive Director Sales/ Marketing.

His wide experience in sales, marketing and International relations has built a bridge between Dachiafor Industries Nigeria limited and its numerous customers and partners, locally and abroad. His contributions in this regard have simplified our foreign procurement processes and improved our customer satisfaction.

He is presently managing the entire affairs of the company in Aba and other south-eastern region. He is also in charge of the company’s branch in Lagos where he targets to make the Lagos branch more viable than other branches before the end of 2016.


Engr. Francis N Okoroafor – Human Resource/ Safety Manager

Engr. Francis holds a Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He also holds a Master of Science degree in structural Engineering from the Edinburgh Napier University united Kingdom.He has worked as a field…….. in Prime Integrated Engineering Works Ltd Port Harcourt between……………….and ……………. He has worked as a………….. at Amazon United Kingdom before joining the company effectively in 2011.

D. Mr. Leo Umolu - Chief Accountant

Leo Umuolu holds a Higher National Diploma from the Kwara State polytechnic. He is a registered member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAN) in Nigeria. He is also member of various professional bodies in Nigeria. He has worked in several companies and his wealth of experience over the years has made him instrumental in the restructuring of the accounting system of Dachiafor Industries Nigeria Limited. He is happily married with children.